Saille Mawson

I graduated from the Teacher Training program at the Tamalpa Institute for movement based expressive arts in California under the mentorship of dance and expressive arts pioneer, Daria Halprin and faculty in 2005 and studied with dancer Anna Halprin. I served on the Tamalpa Institute Board of directors between 2005-2008 supporting the development of the online graduate site: TIGA. In 2011 I was invited to be part of the teaching faculty for Tamalpa's first UK Branch Level 1 Training due to start in in Folkestone's Creative Quarter, Folkestone April 2012.

I have been running groups and guiding individuals in different settings for over 25 years. Prior to training in the Expressive Arts, I worked as a social care provider for people with HIV/AIDS, as a counselling trainer for mental health workers and I taught communication skills through singing to people with learning disabilities in adult education. I also ran a successful private business as a massage therapist for 10 years. This previous experience of holding and supporting people in diverse situations has contributed to the skill, depth and humanity I believe I bring to my work now as a teacher.I live in the Findhorn Community and Ecovillage in North Scotland in a round house made out of an old whiskey barrel. I draw artistic inspiration and nourishment from being part of a community which values and acknowledges the importance of creative expression in developing more sustainable ways of life for people and the planet.

I have been offering voice work and Tamalpa-based expressive arts to groups and individuals in private practice and as a guest teacher on some of the Findhorn Foundation core programs for the last 6 years. In my Tamalpa work, I invite people to explore both the creative meaning and metaphor that lies within their own movement and offers ways of tapping into this as rich resource in dealing with life's challenges and opportunities. My interest in the Arts and health is also informed by previous training as a psychodynamic counsellor and Post Graduate studies in Health Education.

My voice teaching draws on my own movement experience and 15 years of vocal study with French musician and composer, Gilles Petit. I offer a highly specialised method of developing the solo voice which combines Indian Raga and body work.

Since 2007, my interest in movement as a way of developing awareness and perception in environmental and cross cultural issues has deepened through intensive study with Dr Sandra Reeve (Move into Life) in the UK and Ireland and with Suprapto, a Javanese artist in Indonesia. I belong to the Move into Life Network for practitioners and have expanded my work to offer specific movement workshops in the landscape in Scotland which focus on developing people's connection to nature and the land.

You can reach me by email at