Movement in the Round

A series of Movement workshops

with Clare Ballard

and Julian Carlyon

from May to September 2011

Clare and Julian will present a series of four movement workshops. In these workshops the emphasis will be on spontaneity, blossoming and nourishment of daily life. Movement as daily life practice, as well as movement as meditation, ritual, performance and, of course, enjoyment.

We’ll work with simple approaches and exercises designed as stepping stones into spontaneous and free movement. When we move we encounter repetition and habit. Simple approaches can help us to go from someone “doing movement”, to someone “being movement”. Movement doing to movement being! Stepping stones into the empty space of creativity. Finding new pathways in movement helps us to become more flexible, less controlled, and more present in life.

Workshop One with Clare
The body in movement: exploring the elements of movement
Sunday 8th May 2011
Movement is what we do, what we are and how we express ourselves.  We started as movement and we move through our daily life.  However much of our movement is habitual and patterned, and this can limit us both physically and psychologically.  How much space do we allow ourselves? Do we flow through life? Do we push or drag ourselves or others?  By careful observation and engagement we can atune ourselves to natural spontaneity, which can give us more choices and support the flow and blossoming of our life.  I will introduce simple exercises to find ways in to non-stylised or improvised free movement. More details

Workshop Two with Julian
The body in movement: levels and dimensions of being
Sunday 19th June 2011
Through movement and inquiry we can allow what is already whole and happy to come to the fore. In the course of our development, unified awareness becomes divided, and we come to rely on points of view, rather than the absolute security of the ground of awareness. Can we come to a new sense of wholeness, with the emphasis on being? We’ll start from simple exercises, opening to movement and life, exploring movement and stillness, “doing” and “being”.

Workshop Three with Julian and Clare
Movement in the natural environment
Sunday 17th July 2011
Working with free movement outside, in the natural environment, helps us to find deeper wellsprings of peace and natural rhythm. Because everything around us is alive we can begin to feel our own aliveness, not as “objects” in “nature”, but as life among life.

Workshop Four with Clare and Julian
Movement, Stillness and Paradox
Saturday 24th September and Sunday 25th September 2011
At the balance point of the year we will work with polarity, opposites and new possibilities. Embracing darkness and light, movement and stillness, in and out, up and down.

About Julian
My movement practice is based in a background of homeopathy, transpersonal psychology and spiritual inquiry. Working with energy and gesture has led me to this movement work, exploring movement, stillness, awareness and beyond. For many years homeopathy has given me an understanding of dynamic energy in health and sickness. Transpersonal psychology taught me about the psyche, the unconscious, archetypes, and about the inner journey. Teachers such as Ramana Maharshi have opened the door to the reality beyond the mind. I have completed the Move Into Life training with  movement teacher, Sandra Reeve. Read more...

About Clare
I have had an interest in movement for many years.  Having trained as an Osteopath I realised that to express health In body, mind and spirit we need to have the freedom and impulse to allow the naturally arising movement of the body to sequence through all levels of our being.  In pursuing this idea I have trained with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in Body Mind Centring, with Zhixing Wang in Hua gong, with Suprapto Suryodarmo in Amerta movement and most recently completed the training with Sandra Reeve in ‘Move into Life’.
I am currently developing my own work in combining non-stylised movement with insights about movement and stillness that are part of the Osteopathic teaching.

Woodchester Village Hall, Woodchester, Nr Stroud, Gloucestershire.
Outdoor work at a location near Stroud.

Times: workshops will run 10am to 5pm each day

Cost: One day workshops £40 (£20 deposit on booking); weekend £85 (£30 deposit)

Booking and enquiry:
01453 767120
01453 767810    

Please bring:  blanket, cushion, writing/drawing materials, comfortable clothing and lunch to share