To a Child Dancing on the Wind

To a Child Dancing on the Wind

Dance there upon the shore
What need have you to care
For wind or water’s roar?
W B Yeats

Moving on the beautiful shoreline at Dunmoran Head, we will explore how to maintain the balance of fluidity and solidity, position and transition, firmness and accommodation within ourselves and in our communication with nature and others.

This is often a difficult balance to strike. How to hold a position while at the same time being flexible, how to be fluid while also maintaining form. This tension of the opposites can lead to an either/or attitude whereas this site, where rock and ocean coexist so powerfully, can guide us to another both/and way (the reconciling 3rd, as Jung called it).

Do join is if you are interested in being in and learning from nature; if you love to move; if you are open to a different moving environment which may somehow move you to discover surprising places in yourself.

Saturday 31st March
11 am – 4pm
Dunmoran Head

Cost. €40

Bring: Boots, warm clothes, jacket and leggings, a flask of warm drinks and lunch to share.To book or for more information, contact:
Therese: or 087 4814 814