About the MOVE INTO LIFE Network

is an ecological approach to movement developed by Dr Sandra Reeve.

It is derived from the movement practice of Javanese artist and teacher Suprapto Suryodarmo and draws in particular on Satipatthāna, the Buddhist way of mindfulness.

MOVE INTO LIFE encourages you to rediscover and reconnect with your constantly shifting sense of self. And it invites you to experience and embody that sense of self, at any given moment, as part of a broader human and natural environment.

MOVE INTO LIFE invites you to be curious about your ordinary movement in daily life, to experiment with changing your movement habits, to play with your movement.

Who is MOVE INTO LIFE for?

Anyone can use and apply MOVE INTO LIFE skills and practice in their daily lives. Some people set aside time for a regular 'movement meditation', others simply incorporate it in the way they walk, lie down or wash up!

Many people also incorporate MOVE INTO LIFE skills and awareness in their professional lives: In particular, therapists (including psychotherapists, dance movement therapists, massage therapists, arts therapists and occupational therapists), teachers (including yoga teachers, school teachers, drama teachers), performers and artists.
On these pages you'll find details of workshops, movement classes and groups run by Sandra Reeve and by network members trained by her in the MOVE INTO LIFE tradition. You can also find out more about teachers, performers and therapists working in this way in the UK and Ireland.